Using TED talks


This is Noga La’or, the Academic Director here at Rennert International, sharing some tips on how to use TED talks in the classroom.


Noga: Hi everyone, my name is Noga and I am the Academic Director here at Rennert International based in New York and what I’d like to talk about today is how to use TED talks in your classrooms. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and there are whole variety of TED talks on For these TED talks you have people from different communities, different cultures, different countries coming together and giving talks that are anywhere from 2 minutes to 20 minutes in length about a variety of different topics. There are talks about design, education, entertainment, technology, health—there are even some inspirational talks. These are great—this is great authentic material to use with higher level students. You can build an entire lesson around a TED talk where you introduce the topic, you pre-teach the appropriate vocabulary, you do comprehension check activities and you can even have post listening or post watching activities that’ll allow the students to continue speaking about the topic and to use the language in a meaningful way. Rennert will actually be holding a workshop for higher level students on a TED talk on May 30th at 6pm and if you would like to attend as an observer to see how you can present a TED talk in your classroom we would be more than happy to have you. So, hopefully we’ll see you there! Thank you and good luck!

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